7h Grade. It was Long year. I had way too much homework and very to little time to do it. That is what made it so hard. The reason I didn’t have time to do my homework is because I play for a AA select hockey team and I have practice every day after school. S o school was hard. I liked seventh grade for the most part but the work was just TOO MUCH!!!! At the beginning of the year I was just not liking school. I was still in my summer mood. And you don’t wanna be in your summer mood during the school year. Beacause you will daydream of being on the lake or about your camp and being with all your friends and having FUN. And right when actually feel like your there you open your eyes and see that your in a no good classroom writing one of these blog posts.
Farther into the school year I realized that summer would not be here for a long long time. So I just started to focus on my school work. And it went by way faster then I thought. Fist nine weeks was done then the second then the third then the fourth and that’s were we are now. I realized how much ive learned this year and how many new friends that ive made. It was a un fun year. I cannot wait till High School that is gonna be where the real fun will begin.
So summer is almost here. I don’t have to daydream about it anymore because instead of dreaming it ill be doing it. I have a lot planned this summer. And it cant come any faster. So I hope that these last few days of school will go by super duper duper fast! So till next year I hope BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂